Lets start talk about Hawking Radiation. A kind of hypothetical radiation that is created from black holes. Radiation is created from the heat energy when the mass of an object is converted into heat energy. Famous physicist Stephen Hawking gives an idea about this radiation that is created from Black Hole.
Mathematically if we want to explain hawking
radiation it's the temperature and mass of the blackhole they are proportional
to each other. The meaning of this is that the amount of heat that will be
generated in a black hole will be the opposite of the total mass of black hole.
Simply said, the smaller a blackhole that stands, the more heat energy will be
generated. So the mass of a blackhole and and heat energy that is created from
mass of black hole is completely opposite of each other. And it happens in a
proportional way. Hawking radiation is the radiation that creates from this
heat energy in the space.
Hawking radiation has not been fully
observed yet. The biggest difference between a blackhole and a normal star is
light. We see a star because of the light that emerges from it. But for blackhole
that's the opposite. The center point of a blackhole is called singularity
point. If we imagine anything in a singularity point, it can never cross the
event horizon line of black hole. Can we ever fully observe hawking radiation?
Very probably not. If we could ever observe this mysterious hawking radiation,
we might discover a new mystry of universe
Wow! its in the school article!!!! proud of you sir!