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Showing posts from January, 2021


                                                                                                                                   The topic of today's discussion is the wormhole. The wormhole was first conceived by the famous scientist Albert Einstein. According to Einstein's famous field equation, gravity behaves like a kind of tunnel. And this tunnel is called a wormhole. It is very easy to reach from one point of space-time to another point through the wormhole. If we want to explain the wormhole more easily, we can call it a gravitational tunnel. The mysterious tunnel created by the effect of gravitational force in space can be called a wormhole.   ...

HAWKING Radiation.

                                                                                                                              Lets start talk about Hawking Radiation. A kind of hypothetical radiation that is created from black holes. Radiation is created from the heat energy when the mass of an object is converted into heat energy. Famous physicist Stephen Hawking gives an idea about this radiation that is created from Black Hole.   Mathematically if we want to explain hawking radiation it's the temperature and mass of the blackhole they are proportional to each other. The meaning of this is that the amount of heat that will be generated in a black hole will be the opp...


    Dark Matter is still a hypothesis. Scientists have not yet fully observed Dark Matter. Dark matter never interacts with electromagnetic forces. Dark matter is completely invisible in ordinary light. In modern technology, it is impossible to detect dark matter. Some scientists believe that dark matter exists. Our entire universe is made up of 6% dark energy, 26% dark matter, and the remaining 5% normal matter. Dark matter and antimatter are not the same thing. We know that baryonic matter is made up of electrons, protons and neutrons. Most likely dark matter is composed of baryonic or non-baryonic matter. Most scientists believe that dark matter is made up of non-baryonic matter. If we do not see dark matter, how do we know that dark matter exists? Scientists have been able to determine the mass of large objects in space through research on their movements. Astronomers tested some spiral galaxies in the 1970s. They see that the stars in the center of the galaxy are moving m...

Teachers' Rights

Sudipta Roy Ghosh Its really a matter to think about, teachers actually possess any right or not! And if so, what type of rights they are possessing. Teachers are protected from certain harms under the equal protection, but its a matter of great sorrow, all sectors' teachers are not equally treated. Though, they serve harder than the other sectors' employees.**Each & every developed countries' teachers have some basic rights. ( source : 17; 223 Rs Amendment) **They have the rights pertaining to their employment, including of certain freedoms, prohibition against certain forms of discrimination, and significant Protection against dismissal from their position. **A teacher has the right to teach appropriately disciplined students.. * A teacher has the right to remove any persistently disruptive student from his classroom when the stude...

Corona Virus Affects Our Children 's Mental Health

 Sudipta Roy Ghosh Some young people are happy to stay home, mental health professionals said, the young kids who are more family focused or young, who don't like to attend school, but now in this deadly world corona crisis period ,they are also affected for staying home for a long time like prisoners. Those who are always very eager to attend school, their struggling can not be expressed in words. They are now kept at home like pet animals. Gradually they are going to traumatic. Some children are also dealing with more Serious traumatic events related to COVID-19, such as the sicknesses of family members, or relatives experiencing job losses that make it harder to feel their loved ones. For those personal tragedies our kids are affected at a greater risk of lasting mental health effects. Gradually they are becoming speechless. Children always are observing that all the time their parents are passing time anxiously, or engaging them talking telephone, observing TV news, UP date new...

People Resort To Lying

Sudipta Roy Ghosh Telling lies is not only caged in the infancy but also in the adult and even in the older ones. People resort to tell lying things for so many different reasons that it' d be impossible to list them all. Most of the common motives for telling lies, avoiding punishment is the primary motives for both children & adults. Other typical reasons include protecting ourselves or other from harms, maintaining self privacy, and avoiding embarrassment to name a few.. Except the genetic hidden emotion people often tell lies. Dr. Paul Ekma, psychologist compiled over 50 years of his research to create comprehensive training to reach the hidden emotions ( source: The Time magazine, 2009). After the research tube group of Dr. EKma got 9 motives for telling lies. These are : 1) Protect some one else from punishment. 2) Protect oneself fr...

A Glimpse of Some British Words

                                                                                                                                                                     Sudipta Roy Ghosh British slang is English language slang used and originating in the United Kingdom and also used to a United extent in Anglophone countries such as the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, especially by British experts. It is also used in the United States to limited extent. A short...


  This is considered to be one of the toughest subjects in IGCSE but yet, it can be overcome with perseverance and hard work. First thing’s first: you should become an avid reader. When you read, notice the descriptive language, the imagery and the tone in your books. Using descriptive language in your writing can boost your marks. Practice writing essays. If you’re good in writing essays, you’ll become adept in Section B too. Remember, formats for Section B are extremely important and so is the point collection. The more relevant information you have collected from Section B, the better your marks will be. But of course, the arrangement of your writing is extremely important. You do not want to lose any marks in Section A so make your answers concise; do not begin writing by repeating the question. They’ll often ask to pinpoint particular stuff so watch out for those. Usually, one or max three points will be enough. For the big comparative question, make sure you give sufficient q...